понеділок, 28 липня 2014 р.

How to be Popular in College

Most students have a great desire to become popular during their college and university years. The first year is the most important as it will determine what type of student you are going to be. Becoming popular is a half of your battle, the other part is to convince others to believe in it.
Secret Tips 
Follow the tips that we have gathered and you will surely become one the most popular college freshman. The trick is there is no magical quality that will help you to become popular among your friends. The truth is you will have to work on being social and getting noticed.
Get Noticed
If you feel that you are not so perfect, that doesn't mean that you have to hide in the corner, nobody is perfect. Do not worry what other students think of you, you may get noticed in class, finish your assignments on time, raise your hand, speak confidently and share your point of view with other people. Even if you are not sure about your ideas, just act like your point of view is confident.
Find Your Own Style
That doesn’t mean that you have to dye your hair into red or something like that, it presupposes you to make your own style and let others see that you feel comfortable.
Take Risks 
Remember, to be popular you will have to do things that you have never done before. Introduce yourself to new people or make a party, you will definitely get noticed more.
Be Social
Be interested, impress other people with your skills and knowledge. Always stay in touch with friends and teachers. Join some clubs and organizations, take parts in various activities, this will allow you to meet with new people and become more popular.
Be Friendly
Keep in mind that popular students are always friendly, social and polite to everyone.
Stay Healthy
Of course, it is difficult to stay active and healthy. You may go to fitness and gym, this is another way to meet new friends.
Get High Grades
Maybe it seems that getting good grades will not help you to stay popular, if you think so, you are mistaken. Getting high grades ensures a university or college student collaboration with teachers, professors and new students.
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